

I enjoy hiking in the Rocky Mountains where I live. I first started using the handle “TimberlineTom” on mountaineering forums while researching new mountain hikes. Spending time outdoors, enjoying creation, and watching the majesty of the mountains is one of my favorite pastimes. My wife and I hike a lot of 14,000’+ mountains here in Colorado and being at timberline is one of my favorite places. The first part of the hike through alpine forest is very relaxing. Once you emerge at tree line, there is no more protection from the elements. The wind, rain, lightening, and even sun add risk to the adventure, but the views are unparalleled.

Tom at timberline


I enjoy working with non-profit organizations to create an on-line Internet presence to tell their story and communicate with their constituents. Some organizations do not have the expertise to do it well. Sometimes a supporter will volunteer to create a web site but not have experience in what technologies are available. Many times the volunteer moves on to other interests and leaves the organization with a web site that is difficult to manage. The same thing happens to many small businesses.


My goal is to provide non-profit organizations and small businesses with excellent web sites at reasonable costs. My approach is to take care of all the details, keep it simple, provide the customer with as many ways to manage their own web site as they have time for, and support those who need help maintaining their web presence.

You can reach me by filling out this form.